How to Explain the Low FODMAP Diet

How to Explain the Low FODMAP Diet

What does FODMAP stand for?

“Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols”

When I was first put on the low FODMAP diet, I found myself explaining the acronym multiple times a day. Everyone from friends to waiters wanted to know what the strange assortment of letters stood for and how they related to my irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). For the first few weeks, I was happy to provide an in-depth explanation to anyone who asked, but I soon found that my extensive description only served to confuse people.

It can be hard to explain the low FODMAP diet

The foods that are forbidden on a low FODMAP diet seem random when listed without an explanation. It’s hard enough for those on the diet to remember what is off limits, so be prepared to constantly remind your friends and family about your restrictions while you’re on the diet. I encourage you to print out Kate Scarlata’s Low FODMAP Grocery List, post it in your kitchen, and hand it out to close friends and family. You’ll find that it’s much easier to let people know what you can eat instead of just listing everything you can’t eat.

One of these things is not like the others

Explain the low FODMAP diet in 100 words or less

Your friends and family may want to hear the details of your low FODMAP diet, but it’s helpful to also have a short explanation prepared for curious acquaintances. You can try something like this: “FODMAP is an acronym for certain types of sugars that can trigger my IBS symptoms. I currently eat a diet low in these particular sugars to help control my symptoms. It’s been really helpful for me!”

The low FODMAP diet can be a lifesaver if you have IBS, so don’t let the hassle of explaining your diet cause you to eat a trigger food. Who knows, you may even bring up the diet and find that someone around you also has IBS.

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